[제이쌤의 포텐영문법] 품사의 이해 ~ 가정법 (예정)
보는 방법
- 블로그 내용은 내 필요에 맞게 요약해서 기록
- 자세하게 기록 X -> 구체적인 내용은 교재나 강의 참고
- 강의는 형용사 부분 중간부터 없어서 다른 시리즈의 비슷한 단원으로 학습했음
type 1) 품사의 이해
- 셀 수 있는 명사(a, ths, -s) vs. 셀 수 없는 명사
- 사람 또는 사물 vs. 그 단어의 본질적인 의미
- I go to the school(나는 학교에 가다) vs.I go to school(나는 공부하러 가다)
type 2) 형식의 이해
- 목적: 수식어가 끼어 있어도 목적어와 보어(명사 or 형용사)를 정확히 파악하기
- 2형식 판단
- He left alone. : he = alone → 2형식
- You should make ready. : you = ready → 2형식
- 4형식 판단
- (명사)에게 (명사)를 주다
- I found him a key.
- 5형식 판단
- (명사)가 (명사)인 or (명사)가 (형용사)인
- I’m thinking my girlfriend in my class the most clever student.
- (명사)가 (동사)하는
- to 부정사
- 주로 미래와 어울리는 동사와 함께 쓰임
- I want him to help my children.
- 현재분사
- 주로 지각동사와 함께 쓰임
- I saw Sora singing on the stage.
- 과거분사
- 목적어가 동작을 당할 때
- I heard Sora interested in me.
- I expected her to be loved by everyone.
- 동사원형
- 강제성(사역동사)
- I had my car fixed.
- to 부정사
- (명사)가 (명사)인 or (명사)가 (형용사)인
- 5형식을 3형식으로 혼돈(수식어에 의해)
- I believed the evidence we assumed true to be unscientific.
- I found the present government’s policy on education proposed by a politician an unrealistic dream which could be true in some distant future.
type 3) 시제의 이해
- 현재 시제
- 의미: 항상, 계속(과거+현재+미래)
- What do you do? (너의 직업은 무엇이니?): 직업이라는 것은 과거에도 했고, 현재도 하고 있으며, 앞으로도 하는 것이기에, 매일 무엇을 하는지 물어보는 것과 동일하다.
- He studies English hard. : 그는 (항상, 계속) 영어를 열심히 한다.
- 의미: 항상, 계속(과거+현재+미래)
- 현재 시제 + 부사(미래)
- 부사(미래)가 있으니까 미래를 뜻하지, 가까운 미래를 나타내기 위해서 현재시제를 쓰는 게 아님.
- School begins tomorrow. (가까운 미래)
- 과거 시제
- 의미: 과거의 한 시점.
- Did you hear the news? : 과거의 특정한 시점에 들었는지 묻는 질문.
- 과거 시제 + 부사(습관)
- 부사(습관)이 있어서 습관인지를 파악할 수 있지, 습관을 나타내기 위해서 과거시제를 쓰는 게 아님.
- I often told them my funny episodes on a summer evening. (과거의 반복되는 습관)
- 현재 완료
- 기본 의미: 일반적으로 “과거부터 지금까지 해왔다.”로 해석하는 것이 좋다.
- 의미 파악
- 동사에 의해 의미가 결정됨.
- He has lived in Seoul. : live(동사가 지속성을 가짐) → 계속(지금까지 살아왔고 앞으로도 살 것이다)
- 부사에 의해 의미가 결정됨.
- I have studied English (once). : once(부사) → 경험(공부해 본 적이 있다.)
- I have (just) studied English. : just(부사) → 완료(과거부터 지금까지 공부해왔다.)
- I have studied English (for years). : for years(부사) → 계속(지금까지 공부해왔고, 앞으로도 할 것이다.)
- 동사에 의해 의미가 결정됨.
type 4) 수동태의 이해
- 수동태
- 목적어가 주어로 위치하는 경우
- I love you. → you are loved by me.
- Everyone respects you. → you are respected (by everyone).
- 불특정다수이기 때문에 by everyone을 생략
- 수동태에서 생략된 건 다 “by people”이라 생각하면 된다.
- 감정수동태
- Socer excites him. → He is excited at soccer.
- Music interests me. → I am interested in Music.
- Lots of money satisfied me. → I was satisfied with lots of money.
- 수동태 + 시제
- 현재진행 수동태: Some are learning Korean in other countries. → Korean is being learned in other countries.
- 현재완료 수동태: Jay has taught English in school. → English has been taught by Jay in school.
- 5형식 수동태
- 2형식(S = C)로 취급
- 보어가 형용사/명사일 때
- Jay made Sora sad. → Sora was made sad. : Sora = sad
- They elected Jay president. → Jay was elected president. : Jay = president
- 보어가 동사일 때
- We expected him to go to library. → He was expected to go to library. : he = go to library → He goes to library.
- We made him go to library. → He was made to go to library. : he = go to library → He goes to library.
- We saw him go to library. → He was seen to go to library. : he = go to library → He goes to library.
type 5) 명사의 이해
- 명사
- to부정사, 동명사, that절 : 동사가 주어, 목적어, 보어에 있으니까 to부정사, 동명사, that절로 고쳐서 쓰는 것일 뿐
- 의문사구, 의문사절
- 가주어
- It is difficult to study English. : to부정사
- It is difficult studying English. : 동명사
- It is difficult that we study English. : that절
- it is no use ~ing: ~해도 소용없다.
- It is no use persuading him. : 가주어O
- Persuading him is no use. : 가주어X
- 가목적어
- I know it difficult to learn English.
- to 부정사 가목적어
- 원래는 I know to learn English difficult.
- make it a rule to V: ~를 규칙으로 삼다.
- I made it a rule to arrive at the class on time. : 가목적어O
- I made to arrive at the class on time a rule. : 가목적어X
- I know it difficult to learn English.
- 의문사구, 의문사절
- She asked me where to go. : 의문사구
- She asked me where I should go. : 의문사절
type 6) 형용사의 이해
- to부정사, 관계대명사, 관계부사, 분사: 명사를 수식할 경우 명사 뒤에서 수식한다.
- to부정사 형용사적 용법
- 보어(~이다 / 상태)
- They are to be back by ten.
- 그들은 열시까지 돌아온다.
- be back이 동사인데 보어 자리에 있으니까, to를 붙여서 형용사로 바꿔준 것!
- He is to arrive this evening.
- 그는 오늘 저녁에 도착한다.
- arrive 가 동사인데 보어 자리에 있으니까, to를 붙여서 형용사로 바꿔준 것!
- They are to be back by ten.
- 명사 수식
- 명사가 to부정사의 목적어: 만약 해당 안 되면 형용사적 용법이 아닌 부사적 용법임.
- I need a book to study. ←→ I need a book to study English: 전자는 형용사, 후자는 부사적 용법
- I have a chair to sit on. : sit on a chair
- 의미적으로 명사를 수식하는 경우: 위 기준의 예외 경우
- 주로 way, time, chance 등
- I know the way to speak English. : speak English the way (X), 그러나 의미적으로 명사를 꾸미므로 형용사적 용법으로 봐야함.
- It’s a time to go.
- I have a chance to hear his music.
- 주로 way, time, chance 등
- 명사가 to부정사의 목적어: 만약 해당 안 되면 형용사적 용법이 아닌 부사적 용법임.
- 보어(~이다 / 상태)
- 주격 관계대명사
- I know the guy kind. (5형식)
- I know the guy + He is kind. → (겹치는 명사는 뒷 문장에서 삭제 후, 앞문장 공통 단어 뒤에 관계대명사를 쓰기) → I know the guy who is kind.
- (주격관계대명사 + be동사 생략 가능) → I know the guy (who is) kind. → I know the guy kind.
- I know the guy playing the piano.
- I know the guy + He is playing the piano. → I know the guy who is playing the piano.
- → I know the guy (who is) playing the piano. → I know the guy playing the piano.
- I know the guy loved by many girls.
- I know the guy + He is loved by many girls. → I know the guy who is loved by many girls.
- → I know the guy (who is) loved by many girls.. → I know the guy loved by many girls.
- I know the guy kind. (5형식)
- 목적격 관계대명사는 생략 가능
- I know the truth (that) you don’t know.
- I know the guy (whom) most people like.
- 관계대명사 what
- I want the book which is useful. → (일반화)→ I want something which is useful. → I want what is useful. : ~한 것
- 소유력 관계대명사
- I built the house whose color is blue. : I built the house + the house’s color is blue
- I built the house of which the color is blue. : I built the house + the color of the house is blue → I built the house the color of which is blue (이것도 맞는 표현) → 관계대명사는 관게사 역할도 해야 하니까 of which를 앞으로 땡겨서 → I built the house of which the color is blue.
- 관계부사
- 시간: when / 장소: where / 이유: why / 방법: how / 기타: 전치사 + 명사
- I know the reason why he likes you. : 나는 그가 너를 좋아하는 이유를 안다.
- cf) I know why he likes you. (간접의문문): 나는 그가 너를 왜 좋아하는지 안다.
- I know the reason + He likes you for the reason. → I know the reason which he likes you for. → I know the reason for which he likes you → I know the reason why he likes you.
- 선행사 찾기
- The students love him who teaches English well.
- 선행사는 him
- teaches(3인칭 단수) = him
- The students love him who want to study well.
- 선행사는 students
- want(복수) = students
- The students love him who teaches English well.
- 분사
- the drug which kills pain (the drug killing pain): which kills → killing
- a trained soldier = a soldier who is trained = a soldier trained : who is 생략돼서 a soldier trained
- Soldiers trained easily wake up at dawn
type 7) 부사의 이해
- 종류: to부정사 부사적 용법, 전치사 + 명사 등
- 분사구문
- 만들기
- 부사절 주어 생략(부사절, 주절 주어가 동일할 때)
- 접속사 생략가능
- 동사에 ing를 붙인다 (being이 될 경우 생략 가능)
- 해석
- 주어는?
- 접속사 추측
- 예문
- Living in Seoul, I got acquainted with him. : when I lived in Seoul, I got acquainted with him.
- Loving English, I decided to be a diplomat. : As I loved English, I decided to be a diplomat.
- Interested in English, I decided to be a diplomat. : As I was interested in English, I decided to be a diplomat. → Being interested in English, I decided to be a diplomat. → being이 될 경우 생략 가능
- The sun having set, we started for home. : When the sun had set, we started for home. (주어불일치)
- 만들기
- 분사구문( , ~ing)
- ~하면서(동시동작, while) 혹은 그리고/그리고 나서(and then)으로 해석
- They danced, singing together. : while
- He extended his hand, smiling brightly. : while or and then
- We started in the early morning, arriving in Seoul at seven. : and then
- 형용사/부사 삭제 연습 → 형식 파악
- People who want to learn English in Korea prefer American English mostly used throughout the world over British English originated from England because of pronunciation.
- People who want to learn English
in Koreaprefer American English mostly usedthroughout the worldover British Englishoriginated from Englandbecause of pronunciation. - People
who want to learn Englishprefer American Englishmostly usedoriginated from England. - People prefer American English.
type 8) 도치의 이해
- 강조하기 위해 문두로 나가는 현상을 도치
- 보어 강조
- Happy is the man who can say that he is content with his life.
- 어순변동 V + S
- the man who can say that he is content with his life is Happy.
- Happy is the man who can say that he is content with his life.
- 목적어 강조
- 어순 변동 없음
- The promise he broke. : He broke the promise.
- 부사구 강조
- 자동사 부사구 도치
- 어순변동 V + S
- Here comes the bus.
- Here it comes. : 대명사일 때는 어순변동이 발생하지 않는다.
- 타동사 부사구 도치
- 어순변동 AV + S + V
- On the railroad did he find a man. : He found a man on the railroad.
- 자동사 부사구 도치
- 부정어 강조
- 어순변동 V + S
- Not only was he brave, but he was wise. : He was not only brave, but he was wise.
- 어순변동 AV + S + V
- Never did I see him again. : I never saw him again.
- Not until he met his boss did he know the fact.
- He didn’t know the fact until he met his boss.
- 해석: 1. until he met his boss → 2. Not did he know the fact.
- 어순변동 V + S
- Only 도치
- ~ 되어서야, ~하고 나서야: only after = only when = only then = only if
- Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.
- Only after: 접속사, 전치사 → 뒤에 문장이나 명사가 나온다.
- I began to see the results of my work only after a year.
- Only when (he was) at 12 was he able to stand on his own.
- Only when: 접속사 → 뒤에 문장이 온다.
- he was able to stand on his own only when (he was) at 12
- Only then did he realize the truth.
- he realizde the truth Only then.
- Only if a teacher has given permission are students allowed to leave the room.
- Only if: 접속사 → 뒤에 문장이 온다.
- Students are allowed to leave the room only if a teacher has given permission.
- ~ 하자마자
- as sonn as, no sooner ~ than, hardly ~ when
- As soon as he finished his performance, the audience began to applaud.
- No sooner did he finished his performance than the audience began to applaud.
- Hardly did he finished his performance when the audience began to applaud.
type 9) 가정법의 이해
- 어느 시점에 대해 말하는지 파악
- 가정법 미래
- 이론
- 실현가능성 없는 미래를 가정(0% ~ 1%)
- 해석법: (그럴리는 없지만) 만약 ~한다면, ~하겠다.
- 0%: if S + were to V, S + would(could/should/might) V
- 1%
- if S + should V, S + would(could/should/might) V
- if S + should V, S + will(can/shall/may) V
- 실현가능성 없는 미래를 가정(0% ~ 1%)
- 예문
- If I were to be born again, I wouldn’t get married to Sora again.
- If I should fail, I would try again. : 내가 떨어질 리 없지만, 내가 떨어진다면, 다시 시도하겠다.
- 이론
- 가정법 현재
- 이론
- 미래에 대한 불확실성(50%)
- 해석법: (확실하진 않지만) 만약 ~한다면, ~하겠다.
- If S + 현재시제, S + will(can/shall/may) V
- 예문
- If it rains tomorrow, I will not go on a picnic. : (확실하진 않지만) 내일 비가 온다면, 소풍 가지 않겠다.
- You will meet her if you go to the party.
- 이론
- 가정법 과거
- 이론
- 현재 사실(지금)의 반대를 가정
- 해석법: 만약 (지금) ~한다면, ~할텐데…
- If S + 과거시제, S +would(could/should/might) V
- 예문
- If I were not poor, I could buy Malibu, a car of Chevrolet. : Because I am poor, I can’t buy Malibu (now).
- Kang Sora would move to Japan if she spoke Japanese. : Kang Sora will not move to Japan because she doesn’t speak Japanese.
- 이론
- 가정법 과거완료
- 이론
- 과거 사실의 반대를 가정
- 해석법: 만약 (과거에) ~했다면, ~했었을텐데…
- If S + had p.p, S +would(could/should/might) have p.p
- 예문
- If I hadn’t been poor, I could have bought Malibu, a car of Chevrolet. : Because I was poor, I couldn’t buy Malibu (before).
- Kang Sora would have moved to Japan if she had spoken Japanese. : Kang Sora would not move to Japan because she didn’t speak Japanese.
- 이론
- I wish 가정법
- 현재/과거에 이루지 못한 소망을 나타낼 때 씀
- 가정법 과거
- I wish + S + 과거시제
- 해석법: (지금) ~한다면 좋을텐데…
- 예문
- I wish I were a girl.
- We wish we could report more progress in the efforts to fight the growing problem of water shortages.
- 가정법 과거완료
- I wish + S + had p.p
- 해석법: (과거에) ~했다면 좋을텐데…
- 예문
- I wish I had asked her out last year.
- I wish I hadn’t spent so much energy worrying about what other people thought of me. : 나는 다른 사람들이 나를 어떻게 생각하는지에 대해 걱정하느라 그렇게 많은 에너지를 소비하지 않았더라면 좋았을 텐데.
- as if (as though) 가정법
- 현재/과거 사실에 반대되는 것을 가정
- 가정법 과거
- as if (as though) + S + 복수과거동사
- 해석법: (지금) 마치 ~인 것처럼
- 예문
- He talks as if he knew everything.
- He talks as though he were my friend.
- 가정법 과거완료
- as if (as though) + S + had p.p
- 해석법: (과거에) 마치 ~였던 것처럼
- 예문
- He speaks as if he had seen the sight.
- He talked as if he had been a teacher.
- but for (without) 가정법
- 가정법 과거
- But for (without) + 명사, S + would(could/should/might) V
- = if it were not for + 명사, S + would(could/should/might) V : 가정법에서 if절 속 be동사는 was든 were든 무조건 were로 쓴다.
- 해석법: (지금) ~이 없다면, ~할 텐데
- 예문
- But for the sun, nothing could live on the earth.
- If it were not for the sun, nothing could live on the earth. : 해석을 “그것은 태양을 위한 것이 아니라면” (X) / 태양이 없다면(= But for the sun) (O)
- 가정법 과거완료
- But for (without) + 명사, S + would(could/should/might) hava p.p
- = if it had not been for + 명사, S + would(could/should/might) hava p.p : 가정법에서 if절 속 be동사는 was든 were든 무조건 were로 쓴다.
- 해석법: (과거에) ~이 없었다면, ~했을 텐데
- 예문
- Without the sun, all animals would have disappeared.
- If it had not been for the sun, all animals would have disappeared.
- 가정법 과거
- 혼합가정법
- 일반적으로 과거에 발생한 것이 현재에 영향을 줌
- If he had not helped me then(가정법 과거완료), I should not be alive now. (가정법 과거)
- If he didn’t help me, I should not be alive now. (가정법 과거)
- If he had not helped me then, I should not have been alive. (가정법 과거완료)
- If she hadn’t bought so expensive a dress, you would be rich.
- If she didn’t buy so expensive a dress, you would be rich. (가정법 과거)
- If she hadn’t bought so expensive a dress, you would have been rich. (가정법 과거완료)
- 가정법 도치
- if 생략 → be동사 도치(어순변동 V + S) or 조동사 도치 (어순변동 AV + S + V)
- Were I not poor, I could buy the book. : If I were not poor, I could buy the book.
- Should he go there, he would be killed. : If he should go there, he would be killed.
- Had I not been ill, I would have gone there. : If I had not been ill, I would have gone there.